Professional Handmade Cakes and Sweet Treats

Welcome to Wonderland… Here you will find a range of personalised, professional cakes and sweet treats to cater to every taste. I am a professional baker and have supplied a range of cakes for  all occasions such as weddings, anniversaries and birthdays for all customers from children to the elderly. I also bake delicious treats such as Viennese Whirls, Brownies, Cookies, Flapjacks, Scones and Cupcakes. I make wonderful cheesecakes that are highly rated by all customers in any flavour from vanilla to nutella, oreo and mint choc chip.

I have also created award winning Marzipan figures, Pastries and Biscuits.

This blog will display a range of handmade cakes and treats which can be purchased at negotiable prices depending on the requirements of the item requested. I will be uploading a range of blogs displaying images of all the products with some handy little tips about how you could become a baker in your own home.

ABcakes. x